How to write a analytical paper
Safety Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Google's Mission, Ethical Principles and Involvement in China Case Study
Google's Mission, Ethical Principles and Involvement in China - Case Study Example all, alluding to the oversight forced by the Chinese experts on Google web index that were considered rebellious and politically touchy especially crackdown of demonstrators in Tiananmen Square (Levin, 2014). This crucial additionally impacted Google’s procedure to neutralize control and to comply with the laws and guidelines of the nation they are working in. To such an extent that in 2010, Google got exasperated with China’s restriction arrangements that it pulled out its activity out of China (Goldman, 2015). Google’s fellow benefactor Sergei Brin even reported that our own sites and for the Internet in general we have worked eagerly to battle web restriction around the world(Goldman, 2015). The Chinese market anyway simply end up being unreasonably significant for Google to overlook that in May of 2012, the organization declared â€Å"an against restriction include †under the appearance of improving pursuit quality†(Wright, 2013) which means that the organization is respecting the control requests of the Chinese power. During those seasons of restriction of the Chinese government against Google, the administration of Google decayed that it favored sel f-control over terrible and no business and have the option to give more data than no data by any stretch of the imagination. Self-control is Google’s bargain to have the option to work in China that it would be â€Å"better to give Chinese clients access to a restricted measure of data, than to none at all†. This may not be the perfect route for Google to work in China however it additionally needs to observe the laws and guideline of the nation that it is working in. Self-restriction to adhere to the laws and guidelines of the host nation doesn't imply that Google is as of now being insidious. It might be a trade off yet it is as yet steady with Google’s mission. The control in the Chinese market is not, at this point new to Google too. Google likewise had rehearsed self-oversight in France, Germany and Poland to boycott genius Nazi data all things considered
Saturday, August 22, 2020
BIET 336 (Individual recommendation report) Essay
BIET 336 (Individual suggestion report) - Essay Example This report involves conversations on the strategies that crooks use during vehicle robbery; with two suggestions on alleviating the episode. Taking vehicles has just negative impacts in USA; and lawbreakers utilize different taking strategies. The Carjacking practice involves taking vehicles through power. Carjacking is intense in light of the fact that the vehicle proprietors are for the most part ambushed. Carjacking involves hoodlums heading out the vehicle, in the wake of constraining the travelers or administrators from the vehicle. Car burglary likewise includes fake robbery. This involves the unlawful securing of vehicles from the proprietor or vender, by deceitful subsidizes move. Most cars procured through this unlawful strategy are quickly exchanged from that point (Lesikar 346). The table underneath represents car robbery expanding measurements in the USA. Hoodlums utilize different types of gear during vehicle robbery. Weapons like guns or blade are for the most part applied during carjacking occurrences. The weapons are utilized to break vehicle windows or compromise the vehicle proprietor. Save wires and screw drivers are utilized for interfacing the start and the force source during vehicle burglary. This force association empowers the hoodlums to drive away the vehicles. In the 2012 and 2013 examination of vehicle robbery figures by the National Automobile Club; there are urban areas with diminished vehicle burglary rates (Los Angeles, and San Diego). This has been made conceivable through customary police watches in the urban communities. Police on the lookout are answerable for directing arbitrary minds vehicles. Different urban areas have huge increment in vehicle burglary rates (New York and Dallas). This is ascribed to expanded false vehicle robbery in influenced urban communities. The crooks secure the vehicles through unlawful strategies. There are huge contrasts among expanded and diminished vehicle burglary rates. This is on the grounds that the two arrangements of influenced urban areas utilize various systems in checking the vehicle robbery practice; urban communities which utilize successful methodologies like
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Wernickes Area Location and Function
Wernicke's Area Location and Function Theories Cognitive Psychology Print Wernickes Area Location and Function By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on October 28, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on October 28, 2019 More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Wernickes area is the region of the brain that is important for language development. It is located in the temporal lobe on the left side of the brain and is responsible for the comprehension of speech, while Brocas area is related to the production of speech. Language development or usage can be seriously impaired by damage to Wernickes area of the brain. When this area of the brain is damaged, a disorder known as Wernickes aphasia can result, with the person being able to speak in phrases that sound fluent yet lack meaning. Location While the location of Wernickes area is sometimes displayed visually as being in the left cerebral hemisphere near a large groove known as the lateral sulcus, the exact location of this region is still debated. Wernickes area is usually thought to be located in the back part of the temporal lobe, although the exact location can vary. It is most frequently found in the left hemisphere of the brain, but not always. Brain Anatomy Lobes, Structures, and Functions How Wernicke’s Area Was Discovered Early neuroscientists were interested in discovering where certain abilities were localized in the brain. This localization of brain function suggests that certain abilities, such as producing and understanding language, are controlled by certain parts of the brain. One of the pioneers of this research was a French neurologist named Paul Broca. During the early 1870s, Paul Broca discovered a region of the brain associated with the production of spoken language. He found that damage to this area resulted in problems producing language. Broca described how one patient known as Leborgne could understand language although he could not speak aside from isolated words and a few other utterances. When Leborgne died, Broca conducted a postmortem exam on the mans brain and found a lesion in an area of the frontal lobe. This area of the brain is now referred to as Brocas area and is associated with the production of speech. About 10 years later, a neurologist named Carl Wernicke identified a similar type of problem in which patients were able to speak but were not able to actually comprehend language. Examining the brains of patients suffering from this language problem revealed lesions at a junction of the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. This region of the brain is now known as Wernickes area and is associated with the understanding of spoken and written language. Wernickes Aphasia When Wernicke’s area is damaged by trauma or disease, a language aphasia can result. An aphasia is an impairment of language that affects an individuals ability to comprehend and produce both spoken and written communication. This type of aphasia is known as Wernickes aphasia but is also sometimes referred to as fluent aphasia, sensory aphasia, or receptive aphasia. Wernickes aphasia is a language disorder that impacts language comprehension and the production of meaningful language due to damage to the Wernickes area of the brain. According to the National Aphasia Association, people with Wernickes aphasia can frequently produce speech that sounds normal and grammatically correct. The actual content of this speech makes little sense. Non-existent and irrelevant words are often included in the sentences that these individuals produce. Symptoms of Wernickes aphasia include: Making up meaningless wordsProducing sentences that do not make senseSpeaking in a way that sounds normal but lacks meaningDifficulty repeating words or phrases Being unaware of problems with speech Individuals with Wernickes aphasia have difficulty understanding spoken language but are able to produce sounds, phrases, and word sequences. While these utterances have the same rhythm as normal speech, they are not a language because no information is conveyed. This type of aphasia affects both spoken and written language. In order to better understand how damage to Wernicke’s area affects language, it might be helpful to view a video clip of an individual with Wernicke’s aphasia. The National Aphasia Association estimates that around 25â€"40% of people who have had a stroke also experience some type of aphasia. Strokes are one of the most common causes, but Wernickes aphasia can also be the result of traumatic brain injury, neurological disorders, brain tumors, and brain infections. Modern Views It was originally believed that Wernickes area was responsible for making meaningful speech, while Brocas area was believed to be responsible for actually turning speech into comprehensible vocalizations. Today, researchers understand that language comprehension and production is a complex process that involves a network of different regions of the brain. For example, studies suggest that Wernickes area plays a role in the comprehension of meaningful speech as well as a part in speech production itself. Not only that, evidence suggests that damage to Wernickes area of the brain does not always result in problems with language comprehension. Based on such evidence, it is clear that language involves more than just one or two different regions of the brain. Left Brain vs. Right Brain: The Surprising Truth
Saturday, May 23, 2020
An Individual s Identity By Steinberg / Zimmerman And...
In understanding Gender thus far through the eyes of this course my response is personality characteristics cannot be fundamentally attributed to an individual’s identity let alone not done successfully. The fact that previous cases have shown that the judicial system do not categorize gender roles fairly among people show that it should be at the fore front of court cases to try to gentrify the thinking on what men can do versus what women can do. That both Genders have the ability to acquire different skills in the workplace as well as other economic areas of life. In knowing that we as a society in an age where the classic gender roles are switching and/or changing can help future court cases/justices think different to claims in the work place. The two articles to support my claim will be Doing Gender by West/Zimmerman and Deconstructing Gender: Applications of Feminist Legal Theory by Steinberg/Weisberg in fact will show how there’re biases when it comes to gender roles in macro sense of society and micro sense of the day to day work place. An individual’s biological sex or gender they may identify with should not be claims to stereotype women and/or men into traditional roles. To say a women should be more domesticated (cook, clean, care taker, sensitive and if working roles: nurses), is the same notion to stereotype but nationality or race. In the article Doing Gender West and Zimmerman brings a few points on how gender roles and the display of gender focus more on
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Leadership Style Of The Affiliative Leader - 901 Words
The affiliative leader connects people to one another forming harmony. Thus, valuing peoples emotional needs and their feelings more so than achieving goals or tasks. Such leaders make every effort to keep employees satisfied, create harmony, and build team significance. For example, a leader offering an employee emotional support when they are experiencing hard times in their personal lives builds loyalty and strengths connectedness. This leadership style has a positive impact on the climate when used to improve morale or rebuild broken trust within a company. However, when used incorrectly, employees may think poor performance is acceptable. Effective affiliative leaders are skillful in collaboration. Without a doubt; my supervisor lacks the collaborative competency. The last thing he is concerned about is promoting harmony or fostering personal relationships. His agenda comes before an employee’s emotional needs regardless of the trials and tribulations they are underg oing. For instance, a fellow co-workers wife had heart surgery; therefore, he requested to take a few days off to help her during recovery. Unfortunately, the days were not approved because of the co-workers lack of production. Apparently, my supervisor has no empathy or concern to keep employees happy. It should be noted, the affiliative style should be used in conjunction with other leadership styles so that poor performance does not go uncorrected. Democratic TheShow MoreRelatedHow Leadership Styles Influence On An Organization s Climate Essay1019 Words  | 5 Pages The article of Leadership That Gets Results provides the six leadership styles for individuals to understand how leadership styles influence on an organization’s climate. Furthermore, the six leadership styles are consisted of the emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skill. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mkt 337 Free Essays
Company profile CFL (Core Finland ltd) which was found in 2006 in Finland. It’s a dynamic food marketing company. The present managing director of CFL is Joonas Turkama. We will write a custom essay sample on Mkt 337 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main activates of this company is are importing, marketing and sales of first class products, which have the potential to grow big brands nationally as well as internationally. The mainly focusing on building brands in order to gain a long term success. CoreFinland’s main target groups are wholesale, retail trade and HoReCa -sector. They also build international partnerships, especially in Western-Europe and in the Baltic Sea region. In future they plan to expand their business activities particularly towards Russia, Germany and Sweden. The main product of this company is snacks and food product. It provides marketing and sales service both domestic and foreign by its long distribution channel (whole sale, Retail). It also provide some service like hosting, packaging, consulting by retail chain. Product CFL start producing â€Å"VEGE CHIPS†from 2011 under Rye snacks. Now a day in Europe people are more health concusses so that in Europe market people are like to choose healthy food rather than fast food. So that organic foods easily make a big market in Europe . VEGE CHIPS is completely healthy and organic food. It’s not only a snake’s people can use it as a regular food. Fat level in VEGE CHIPS is very low so that middle age people can take it as much as they want. No1: Developing market for â€Å"VEGE CHIPS†Our target market is two different countries Srilanka and Canada. These two countries are different from each other. They are totally different in socially and culturally. So our target market also different for these two countries. Country profile Srilanka: Population 1,481,334 (July 2011 est. ) Age structure 0-14 years: 24. 9% (male 2,705,953/female 2,599,717) 15-64 years: 67. 2% (male 6,993,668/female 7,313,440) 65 years and over: 7. 9% (male 720,219/female 950,916) (2011 est. ) Median age Total: 30. 8 years male: 29. 7 years female: 31. 8 years (2011 est. ) Canada: Population 34,300,083 (July 2011 est. ) Age structure 0-14 years: 15 . 7% (male 2,736,737/female 2,602,342) 15-64 years: 68. 5% (male 11,776,611/female 11,517,972) 65 years and over: 15. 9% (male 2,372,356/female 3,024,571) (2011 est. ) Median age Total: 41 years male: 39. 8 years female: 42. years (2011 est. ) Customer profile Our target is middle age people who are 18 above. Middle age people are more health concusses and the can make decision as their own. we believe that they will take our chips because its healthy and totally natural. If we can satisfy them they will influence other for chose our product. Srilanka: In srilanka we will target high society area like Colombo because they are more health concuss and they can easily effort healthy food without thinking for price. in their people lead busy life so if they got ready healthy food they can easily take it. We also target sea side area where tourist comes from different country. Canada: In Canada we will target is the whole country. Because they are reach enough and lead busy time. They also more health concusses and educated too. No 2: The Marketing Mix for â€Å"VEGE CHIPS â€Å" Srilanka| Canada| Product: Srilankan people like spicy food like as other Asian country so here we have to apply extra spicy chips with regular one. | Product: In Canada we use our regular healthy chips but we have to make it little bit sweet and salty| Place : We sell it in retail stall and all over the target location. Place: Super shop and large retail stall in super mall or market. | Promotion : Here we use TVC, Billboard commercial also in magazine , health magazine| Promotion : Here u use free tail, billboard, health magazine , bill board in bus train , taxi| Price: Small packet and medium, less amount off chips so that price can be reduce. | Price: Large and gorgeous packing so that we can keep premi um price. | Positioning: Less price because middle class people can afford it. | Positioning: High price because people get healthy food and it’s for higher class people. Process: We produce chips in srilanka | Process: We chose a well known distributer in Canada and export chips from Finland. | Physical evidence: Spicy chips with attractive shape of chips but packing will be less costly. | Physical evidence: Attractive packing with high costly and chips color is light. | People: Well dress up sellers and they are directly commutated because here we do direct marketing. | People: For make familiar we give cap, t-shirt to our distributor and give well amount of percentage for big sale. | No 3: Integrated marketing communication for â€Å"VEGE CHIPS: Srilanka| Canada | Step 1: Vege chips is completely new product for srilanka so our vision is gaining the one of best healthy food producer in there. Here we do mass marketing for promoting our chips in school, collage. Because in srilanka most of are middle class society people. | Step 1: As a new chip in Canada our vision is reach a respected position by providing healthy snacks in market. We gain it by providing healthy chips at a premium price. | Step 2: As we are new in Srilanka so we heir a add firm for adverting and provides them our survey report on target customers need expectation from snacks. We are new in here it’s a weakness for us but our strength is we are providing healthy and natural foods. For Asian region country here peoples like spicy foods so that we provides some spicy flavors chips. | Step 2: For promotion in Canada all work done by distributer as we choose distribution channel in here for providing our product. So here no need to full attention for determining customer profile. Expensive price is a weakness here but in other hand providing healthy food is our strength. Here chips will salty and little bit sweet. Step 3: Here we do our promotion by TVC, Billboard, and Health magazine. Our main massage is â€Å" Eat healthy chips at cheaper price â€Å"Our main objective is gain 25 % of the snacks market in a year. | Step 3: Our tag line is â€Å"Eat healthy, Live long â€Å". Here we do free trail, internet pop up , billboard in bus train. Here our object is gain 25 % of snack market in 2-4 year. | Step 4: We make our 40 % capital from Finland and other 60 % from native bank for build our factory in Srilanka. | Step 4: In Canada we import chips from Finland so we have do is send money in transport and tax. So the Budget is cheaper for Canada. | Step 5: By TVC here we do mass marketing for establish our product. Billboard marketing done by ad agency. For middle and higher class people here we have small packet and fewer amounts of chips. We can overcome our profit but less costly packaging. | Step 5: This chips is healthy, natural and unique. Here we chose a distribution channel to supply it in lager retrial store and mass marketing. We provide them healthy and natural food so the price is higher in here. We use gorgeous packaging. We provide product from Finland by this it’s easy to gain profit. Step 6: For a good progress we check out our monthly feedback from all kind of stores and retailer. We have to careful for breakeven point and overall sells for understood our current market situation. | Step 6: For Canada we have to careful in monitoring, evaluating and controlling to our distribution channel. We take all kind of information from them for understanding our market situat ion. | Assignment #1 ( Promotional marketing) Submitted to: Sherina Idrish Subject: MKT 337 Section: â€Å"8†Submitted by: Hossan momahmmed mishu ID: 102 0184 030 How to cite Mkt 337, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
I Will Always Swing free essay sample
Do you remember your old days when everything was new? When every day, even a rainy one, was a good day? Those days when there was always sun? I often catch myself trying to remember my old days. If Im depressed or sad or frustrated, I find it easier to look to the past than to deal with the future. My memories are my escape from my everyday problems, and my fondest are those of a boy I loved in kindergarten. His name was Rob, and when I was four, he was five (an older man). Well, I truly loved him. His dark hair and tan skin (which are now all I can remember) were beautiful to me. Every day I would hide in the bushes like a private eye, and watch him from across the playground. I knew everything about him: how he played kickball with his left foot, how much he hated dodge ball and hide and go seek, and how he created tiny masterpieces from sand. We will write a custom essay sample on I Will Always Swing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some days I would create my own masterpieces using my dreams of our life together. We had six children (Bobby, Cindy, Greg, Marsha, Peter, and Jan), one dog (Scooby-Doo), one cat (Garfield), and we lived (at first) in a small white house with a white picket fence. By the end of first grade we were living in a mansion. For months I tried to get his attention. I did balance beam routines better than Mary-Lou, I drew like Escher, I painted pictures that shamed Cezanne, and I did stand-up comedy better even than Rosie ODonnell. In the end though, I didnt make the Olympic team, my sketches were never famous, I didnt get my own exhibit at the art museum, Stand-Up Spotlight didnt call, and Rob never noticed me. Another girl would always catch his eye. She was the one with Gap clothes, better toys, tie sneakers (instead of Velcro), pink ribbons in her hair; she would always laugh and smile when Rob was nearby. But, for me, Gap clothes were too big, my brothers old toys were fine, Velcro shoes were all I had (I didnt know how to tie shoelaces), my favorite color wasnt pink, and Robs jokes werent that funny. So, I gave up. I accepted the fact that we would never be together; Rob would never notice me, and I was destined to go to a different school. But then one day, as he climbed onto the swing set, I noticed an empty swing next to my Rob. I could not resist the temptation. I climbed on and started to swing, feeling lighter than air just knowing I was next to him. And then our swings were in sync, we began to swing together! I was amazed, thinking that maybe now I would finally be noticed. However, just as I gained this hope, we drifted apart; as his swing took its own path, I was left alone, swinging by myself. A few months ago, I was left alone again, swinging by myself. My most recent Rob moved away; he found someone in his new town, another girl who has better toys perhaps. Ive seen pictures of her, and she has those pink ribbons I could never force myself to wear. She dresses in the latest fashions (Versace, Mizrahi, and Klein) which could easily beat my T-shirt and blue jeans style down the run way. Her hair shines like the sun when mine barely shimmers, and her black 1996 BMW 325 could run circles around my 1991 Honda Accord any day of the week. They all say she is beautiful, but I say so am I. After all, arent I the one who can do gymnastics? Am I not the one who can draw like Escher, and paint better than Cezanne? Didnt I learn anything from that day on the swing? Yes, I learned that I can continue to swing alone. I can walk onto the playground, climb onto the swing set, and, even if my Rob doesnt notice me, I will always be balancing like a gymnast, I will always be creating beauti ful art, I will always be making people laugh, and I will always be swinging.
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