Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Leadership Style Of The Affiliative Leader - 901 Words
The affiliative leader connects people to one another forming harmony. Thus, valuing peoples emotional needs and their feelings more so than achieving goals or tasks. Such leaders make every effort to keep employees satisfied, create harmony, and build team significance. For example, a leader offering an employee emotional support when they are experiencing hard times in their personal lives builds loyalty and strengths connectedness. This leadership style has a positive impact on the climate when used to improve morale or rebuild broken trust within a company. However, when used incorrectly, employees may think poor performance is acceptable. Effective affiliative leaders are skillful in collaboration. Without a doubt; my supervisor lacks the collaborative competency. The last thing he is concerned about is promoting harmony or fostering personal relationships. His agenda comes before an employee’s emotional needs regardless of the trials and tribulations they are underg oing. For instance, a fellow co-workers wife had heart surgery; therefore, he requested to take a few days off to help her during recovery. Unfortunately, the days were not approved because of the co-workers lack of production. Apparently, my supervisor has no empathy or concern to keep employees happy. It should be noted, the affiliative style should be used in conjunction with other leadership styles so that poor performance does not go uncorrected. Democratic TheShow MoreRelatedHow Leadership Styles Influence On An Organization s Climate Essay1019 Words  | 5 Pages The article of Leadership That Gets Results provides the six leadership styles for individuals to understand how leadership styles influence on an organization’s climate. Furthermore, the six leadership styles are consisted of the emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skill. 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